Event Special Intertraffic
Dit prachtige artikel in de Traffic Technology International Event Special Intertraffic March 2024 (pagina 30 t/m 38) zet SmartwayZ.NL internationaal goed op de kaart.
Alvast een klein voorproefje.
Paul Bevers, beleidsmedewerker verkeer, teammanager Innovatie & Ontwikkeling
"Personally, I don't believe new infrastructure will solve any problem. Because traffic goes into the cities, where there is already insufficient space. We believe in traffic management".
Edwin Mermans, Projectleider internationalisering mobiliteit
"Transitioning to smart mobility is complex, with many stakeholders and barriers to deployment. It requires new forms of government which are adaptive and user-centric."
Margriet van Schijndel AI Program manager mobility van de TU/e
"We have people working on sustainable mobility, accessibility and inclusivity. Our solutions should have a societal impact, but also a business-case. Otherwise nobody will bring them to market."
Meer lezen?
Het volledige artikel lees je in de Traffic Technology International Event Special Intertraffic March 2024 (pagina 30 t/m 38).