The tool provides new insights, rapidly, and, according to its creators, is therefore indispensable in determining the areas in which smart mobility is going to make a difference. It was launched and demonstrated at the #SmartTogether Festival in Ede on 27 January. SimSmartMobility is the only platform in the world to do what it does and it places the Netherlands firmly on the map as an innovative partner in the automotive and smart mobility sector.
Step forwards
“There is still a lot we do not know about the effects of smart mobility”, says Hans van Lint of TU Delft. “The knowledge we are acquiring is now being given a place in the simulation platform, which is an unparalleled tool for road authorities and industry alike. SimSmartMobility is a fantastic step forwards and unique in the world.”
Models and practical knowledge combined
The simulations are based on scientifically substantiated simulation models, supplemented with practical knowledge from smart mobility projects and pilot projects. Cooperation between parties is absolutely essential. Besides the three parties responsible for developing the platform, on 27 January, nineteen other parties also signed on to develop the initiative further and exploit it to the full.
The Netherlands: frontrunner in smart mobility
The parties concerned hope that this will help accelerate the development of smart mobility services and products both nationally and internationally and enhance the Netherlands's position as frontrunner. Marja van Strien (Connecting Mobility): “Simulations make the effects of smart mobility applications clear in advance. And that helps policymakers, administrators and professionals to make substantiated policy choices and take investment decisions. Ultimately, this promotes substantiated, targeted investments in smart mobility and, in turn, helps prepare the Dutch mobility system for the future.”
Growing model
There are currently two different smart mobility services programmed in the SimSmartMobility prototype; they simulate the effect on accessibility and liveability. In the coming period, the cooperating parties will further develop the platform by, for example, adding new smart mobility services, linking new models and working on the presentation. Commissioning parties, such as the province of North Brabant, have expressed interest in possible cooperation by, for example, contributing concrete mobility issues*. The first simulations are being carried out on these issues. In principle, the simulated smart mobility services will subsequently be available to other commissioning parties*. Every issue, model and service contributed thus enhances the platform.
The participants are:
• Antea Group B.V.
• Automotive NL B.V.
• Advin B.V.
• DAT.Mobility B.V.
• DTV Consultants;
• Dynniq Nederland B.V.
• Goudappel Coffeng B.V.
• MAP traffic management
• Movares
• Provincie Noord-Holland
• Provincie Noord-Brabant
• Royal Haskoning DHV
• Rijkswaterstaat
• Studio Bereikbaar
• Sweco Nederland B.V.
• TASS International Mobility Center B.V.
• Witteveen+Bos