Monitoring and evaluation is carried out to obtain insight in the measures. By scaling up the findings and services to the rest of the Netherlands and Europe, we help promote the south of the Netherlands as a knowledge and innovation region and keep the smartest region in the Netherlands competitive!
SmartwayZ.NL's three main objectives are:
- to promote innovations
- to improve the flow
- to achieve good operational processes
We also set great store by the secondary objectives, liveability and traffic safety.
The SmartwayZ.NL programme opts for flexible management by means of adaptive programming to achieve the objectives set. This fits in particularly well with the focus on Smart Mobility innovations which, almost by definition, demand flexibility and adjustment. Monitoring and evaluation are essential elements of the SmartwayZ.NL programme. They are important for adaptive programming, measuring the state of affairs, achieving the programme objectives, transparency, communication and the learning process. Monitoring and evaluation also deliver input which is needed to account for public expenditure.