Publication date: 13/11/2020
On 10 September a rather special driving lesson took place when 12 BMN community managers attended a training course to learn how to drive vehicles with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). This training course was organised by Prodrive Academy. The idea is that, once they have gained practical experience with ADAS, the community managers will be able to approach employers in the region in order to increase awareness of ADAS and then the sale and use of ADAS on lease vehicles. This initiative is part of the contribution by SmartwayZ.NL to the national ADAS Alliance.
Foto 2 mensen in Tesla

What did the community managers think of the experience? More than three quarters thought the course was useful, educational and an eye-opener! 67% of the participants had never used an ADAS system before. They believed the systems would make driving easier and safer, provided they were used properly. However, they also identified a number of disadvantages. One of these is the risk of being distracted. Despite that, the majority said they would prefer to drive a car equipped with these systems in the future. However, it is essential that a proper explanation of the systems is provided in order for people to experience the benefits. 


Employers affiliated to BMN are soon to be informed that they can offer their employees a similar ADAS training course in their own vehicles, at a substantially reduced rate. These courses are going to be sponsored by SmartwayZ.NL. If you would like to find out more, please contact Koen Steenbakkers (SmartwayZ.NL) or Dimitri Pouwels (BMN).